Brew Guide

Hario V60

Brew Guide

Hario V60

what you will need

  • V60
  • V60 filter
  • Grinder
  • 15g (4 heaped tablespoons) medium ground coffee (table salt fineness)
  • 250mL hot water just off the boil
  • Scale
  • Timer
  • Spoon
  • Mug

Get brewin’

  1. Prep and preheat
    Place the V60 Filter in the brewer. Rinse the filter with hot water to get a nice even seal all the way around. This preheats the brewer and gets rid of any paper flavour from the filter. Discard the water.
  2. Weigh and grind coffee
    Add 15g or about 2 Tablespoons of coffee and give it a shake to even it out, then zero out the scale.
  3. Saturate grounds
    Start the timer when you add the hot water. Gently pour enough water to saturate grounds (about 45mL of water). Swirl V60 to evenly mix grind, making sure there are no dry clumps. Wait for 45 seconds as the coffee ground blooms.
  4. Add more water
    After 45 seconds, add more water, pouring in a circular and figure-8 motion. Pour until the volume reaches about a fingertip down from the top of the paper filter. Continue to pour very slowly, to keep the wet grind at the same level, until all your water has been poured in (250mL total).
  5. Swirl
    Once the water is all in, swirl or gently stir grind once clockwise and once anti-clockwise to make sure all is level.
  6. Wait for it to brew
    Allow all the water to drain though. Once complete, remove and discard the filter.
  7. Serve and enjoy
    Stir, serve and enjoy.

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